Virginity Broken

Well not really. I’ve tried starting up other code blogs to document my work and interesting stuff I come across but I have been unable to maintain them. I guess the main reason I end up screeching to a thunderous halt is yes… LAZINESS!! May this vice never again stalk the mighty buzzcodington (neat alias don’t you think 😀 ). I guess as a programmer, once you solve an issue the laziness bug hits you when it comes to documenting it even though you know that you may need to refer to the same material at some point.. i mean come on.. not all of us were blessed with eidetic memory. If i had such vivid recall of all the stuff I worked on since the inception of my software career then I wouldn’t bother signing up on wordpress and scribbling these words down when I could be fixing a bug thats waiting for me right now. Anyway, enough rambling.. welcome to Sir Buzzcodington’s third attempt.. Godspeed!

P.S I will start by reposting some of the posts from the previous blogs