Remove all gems and Rubygems completely

One fuck-up led to another (don’t ask 🙂 ) and I had to do whats up there in the title. These are two links that helped me most:

Quickest way to remove all gems

gem list | cut -d” ” -f1 | xargs gem uninstall -aIx


Removing rubygems completely:

“File not found: lib” error while installing Rails 3.0.7

I was installing Rails 3.0.7 on my local machine yesterday and on a server today. I came across the same error both times:

This is the problematic part:

File not found: lib
ERROR:  While generating documentation for rails-3.0.7
... MESSAGE:   exit
... RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p334/doc/rails-3.0.7/ri lib --title rails-3.0.7 Documentation --quiet

Rails installed successfully but the Rdoc and ri documentation failed with this error. I ignored it in my local machine since I was in a hurry and Rdoc/ri were the least of my worries. But when it hapenned again in the server I just had to find out what the issue was. If you google it, many sources advise you to just uninstall that Rails version (in my case 3.0.7) and do this:

sudo gem install rails –no-ri –no-rdoc

I find that to be plain stupid! You are running away from the problem rather than solving it. The above command would just ignore the Rdoc/ri documentation.

The issue is that the new Rails version you are installing uses a more recent version of Rdoc/ri and thus when the installation process gets to Rdoc/ri installation, it fails. I don’t know why the ROR developers didn’t think of checking for this and updating Rdoc/ri for you. Anyway, the correct way to solve this issue is to first uninstall the Rails version you just installed with no Rdoc/ri data:

sudo gem uninstall rails –version 3.0.7

Install the latest version of the rdoc-data gem. This will install ri data for core and stdlib:

gem install rdoc-data

Then run:

rdoc-data –install

In case you want rdoc-data for all your gems run (not necessary.. takes a while if you have as many gems as i do):

gem rdoc –all –overwrite

To install ri data for RDoc 2.5+ run:


Now you can install your Rails version and it will successfully install all the rdoc-data too.

sudo gem install rails


Successfully installed rails-3.0.7
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.7...
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-3.0.7...